Live Reload in Rails
Live Reload is basically updating your stylesheets and views when you are changing your files without reloading. Its a great way to be more productive while you just need to focus on your code and rest is handled by scripts to show you the changes.
Introduction with Meteor.js:
This year while working with on a project I came across a new framework i.e. Meteor. Its an awesome JS framework but one thing that I loved was
live reload
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After checking out that Meteor thing I thought it would be great if I can do the same with Rails so tried out.
Live Reload works this way, you just change the code of view part and voila it updates automatically in the browser you don’t need to reload your browser tab.
If you change some
template it will reload automacially. -
Here is the guide how you can remove this hassle of reloading browsers again and again.
I hope most of us know about Guard Gem . I use it for running rspec tests on any content changes.
Along with that we will be using Guard Livereload Gem.
You need to install the Live reload chrome plugin.
Setup Steps:
- Add the following content in your Gemfile
gem 'guard'
gem 'guard-livereload', '~> 2.4', require: false
Install chrome live reload plugin.
Then run the Guard installer, it will generate config files for Guard.
bundle exec guard init
- It will generate the guardfile and there you need to add the following code.
guard 'livereload', grace_period: 0, apply_css_live: true do
# Rails Assets Pipeline
watch(%r{(app|vendor)(/assets/\w+/(.+\.(css|js|html|png|jpg))).*}) { |m| "/assets/#{m[3]}" }
watch(%r{(app|vendor)(/assets/\w+/(.+)\.(scss))}) { |m| "/assets/#{m[3]}.css" }
Once its done and you have live reload plugin installed in your browser, you need to run Guard, I do it using Foreman Gem. Its an awesome background process manager for Ruby.
It requires a procfile to work. In procfile you can define the tasks you need to run in background. here is the sample procfile:-
guard: bundle exec guard
Once Guard is running, we need to connect the live reload plugin with the guard by clicking on it.
Once you click on the plugin on the console it should show
browser is connected
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Yeeeey that’s all you need to do now hack your code without even bothering about reloading it after every small change.
Go and change any JS/CSS or *.erb file it will reload the browser page and JS and CSS will be reloaded without even reloading the page.
PS: There is a Livereload app for Mac as well, Its paid but yeah its faster than this setup. :)
Happy Coding :)
Written on November 16, 2015Share in your circles :)